
Showing posts from February, 2009

Sermon: Means, Ends, and Karma

(sermon delivered on February 1, 2009 at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin) READING This reading comes from an interview with the 14th Dalai Lama "Recently I am emphasizing that due to the modern economy, and also due to information and education, the world is now heavily interdependent, interconnected. Under such circumstances, the concept of 'we' and 'they' is gone: harming your neighbor is actually harming yourself. If you do negative things towards your neighbor, that is actually creating your own suffering. And helping them, showing concern about others' welfare -- actually these are the major factors of your own happiness. If you want a community full of joy, full of friendship, you should create that possibility. If you remain negative, and meantime want more smiles and friendship from your neighbors, that's illogical. If you want a more friendly neighbor, you must create the atmosphere. Then they will respond." PRAYER Please joi...