
Showing posts from 2011

Sermon: So Let It Be Written...

(delivered to First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin on Sunday July 31, 2011) Prayer: Somewhere out there On a dusty shelf Or a spinning disk On parchment aged Or in pixels bright There are words waiting for you These words were written for you And when you find them They will touch your heart And change your life. Somewhere in there Between the synapses Of your frontal lobe Or floating around In the recesses of you consciousness Are words destined for another Words that will touch their heart And change their life It is your duty to record them So that they may be found. Somewhere out there Is a better world waiting to be described We spend our days and our nights Imagining this world When we are wise, We record these imaginings For each other To bring this dream one step Closer to reality. When we are unwise, We think that all of these imaginings are just stories. We pray this in the name ...

the beard

I used to shave off my mane. Because I was in denial of being a lion. Hear me roar!

google plus, bing, new cloud apps and the achievement of balance

I think that this is my first blog post that has any significant intersection with my professional life, but after listening to a couple of Podcasts on Google Plus and hearing the incessant plugging for Bing on the Slate Gabfests (it is, IMHO, a little over the top... just let them run their ads, don't become their mouthpiece) I felt compelled to throw in my two cents about balance in the cloud-o-sphere out there... As a human being out there in the technosphere, it is in your best interest to preclude the emergence of a Goliath from the fields of competitors.  In no market since the discovery of fossil fuel has this been easier than it is with the internet in this age.  In the evolution of modern computing, anti-trust regulation against Microsoft and ongoing similar actions (mostly in and by the EU) works to thwart some of the most abusive practices that are trending toward monopoly.  But, the most important thing is user behavior, where you click and for what is the m...

the best disinfectant

if you seek healing radical transparency is the only path

a farewell for kent butler

i am sad that we miss the opportunity of being colleagues


'you cannot serve both God and money' said Jesus so we choose money?

monkey business

the obligations of our primate behavior chain better angels

wage slavery

i'm feeling friday after a week when my time belongs not to me

On Wiesenfeld on Palestinians (see Kuchner-CUNY)

There is nothing but moral equivalency twixt Jew and Muslim.


I am part of a larger organism which is far beyond my ken.

why haiku?

Haiku not for you. Verse is way to retrain me, in economy.

To my mom

"Happy Mothers Day" Reason cannot stop my hope That the dead can hear


argue the pictures argue the sea burial ignore the killing

American Leadership?

Killing, like torture, Surrenders moral high ground. Is that leadership?

the aftermath of assassination

Joy on the TV Obama, Stewart, Colbert I feel so alone

War on terror done?

War on terror done? Not unless we have courage, And stop the practice.

the death of osama bin laden

we teach friends evil wring hands when they turn on us cheer when they are dead

when has war achieved its aim?

In what historical cases has a war purported as a 'just war' achieved its stated purpose without producing horrific, long-term unintended consequences? If you have examples, please include your take on what made the war just, what its purpose/goals were, and how any unintended consequences did or did not effect the realization of the goals. thanks for playing along, eric

the difference between Egypt and Libya is not Gaddafi

There is no amount of 'no fly zone' or no cache of weapons that will change Libya into another Egypt. The UN's belief that military power could be used to 'tip the scales', simply shows how fundamentally they misunderstand what has caused the successful revolutions to become so: nonviolence. If Gaddafi can be credited with preventing a successful revolution, it must be most closely linked with his having kept Gene Sharp's From Dictatorship to Democracy  or its derivatives out of the hands of his people.  Because what is clear, is that they were not ready, and despite Western hubris, there is nothing that can be done at the last minute to make them so. If the UN wants to support the ending of oppressive regimes its money would be better spent translating and disseminating literature on effective nonviolent resistance to oppressed people around the world.  The spread of weapons and violence will never bring peace, for they are antithetical. It is not that I...

The bus mantra

After Simon and I rode the bus the other day he couldn't stop thinking about buses and he couldn't stop saying, "bus" over and over. So I came up with this bus mantra to help him get to sleep that night. After repeating it a couple hundred times I realized that it deals with the journey of life as well as any. The bus stops. The doors open. People get off. People get on. The doors close. The bus goes. It also happens to be a practical guide to bus etiquette..